Algebris Core Italy Fund

The Algebris Core Italy Fund aims to achieve risk-adjusted returns in the medium-long term.

The Fund invests primarily in equity securities of Italian companies, focusing on the small and mid-capitalization segment of the market. 

The Fund seeks to achieve a total return which exceeds the return of the composite performance benchmark (90% FTSE Italy All Share Capped and 10% cash).

The Fund complies with the requirements of the PIR regulation introduced in Italy (tax-exempt and long-term individual savings plans).

The Fund’s currency exposure is hedged vis-à-vis the base currency of the Fund (Euro).

Algebris Core Italy Fund can be classified and treated as a non-complex financial instrument within the meaning of MiFID II.

Produced by MSCI ESG Research as of January 31st 2023

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Fund Terms

  • Inception date: 13th October 2017
  • Domicile: Ireland
  • Liquidity: Daily
  • Base currency: Euro
  • Risk profile (SRRI): 6
  • SFDR Classification: Art. 8
  • Benchmark: 90% FTSE Italy All-Share Capped and 10% cash
Note: The synthetic risk and reward indicator (SRRI) is based on historical data and may not be a reliable indication for the future. It is calculated using the volatility of the Fund’s weekly performance over a five-year period. A score of 6 means the Fund's historic volatility is between 15% - 25%

Class Terms

  • Management fee: p.a.
  • Incentive fee:
  • Minimum investment: €
  • BBG ticker:
  • ISIN:
  • Status:

Read the Factsheet

Figures are based on net returns including admin, management and incentive fees and including ADL (Anti-Dilution Levy) where applicable. Further information is contained in the Prospectus. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Source: BNP Paribas Fund Administration Services (Ireland) Limited.